Lesson 8 – Second Circle Final Assessment
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding and ability to be with someone, stand, breathe, and perform in Second Circle by completing a Sonnet performance, physical assessment, and written assessment.
Essential Questions
National Standards
State Standards
Pass the Snap
Second Circle Prep – The purpose of this warm up is to prepare students to stand, breathe, and speak in Second.
Share Rubric
Assessment Pt. 1
*During the assessment, use the rubric to grade each student’s ability to perform each task.
Walking in each circle
Eye to eye
Assessment Pt. 2 – Sonnet Performance
Peer Evaluation
Practice time
Final performance
Written Assessment
This written assessment can be done in class or assigned as out-of-class work. (Can be written or online format)
You made it! It is the end of the Second Circle Unit. This test is a comprehensive assessment of everything you learned this semester about the circles of energy. You only get one attempt for this final assessment. After everything is graded, you will have the opportunity to make up points if you missed them.