Shakespeare Lesson #3
Prose, Rhyme, & Verse, Baby!
Lesson Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of how Prose, Rhyme, Verse and Scansion function within Shakespeare’s works by working in a small group to translate a Shakespeare piece into modern day ‘English’ and perform it for the class.
Hook the class
Explain that today we will begin process of unlocking some of the language barriers that keep folks from accessing Shakespeare.
Explain that today will be focused on learning and internalizing the different writing forms that Shakespeare used in his plays and poems.
Slide 2-Listen to the answers of students; use their responses to point to 3 possible reasons why Shakespeare used different forms of poetry (on ppt)
Prose Slide 3 [10 mins]
b : a literary medium distinguished from poetry especially by its greater irregularity and variety of rhythm and its closer correspondence to the patterns of everyday speech” according to
Rhyme Slide 4 [10 mins]
Verse Slide 5 [5 mins]
Iambic Pentameter: stamping out a definition [10 mins]
Practicing Iambic Pentameter Slide 6 [10 mins]
Instructions! [5 mins]
Translating Time! [15 mins]
Bring the class back together [Last few mins]