Put pictures around the room that generate emotions from many different time periods. The students need to choose a picture and they need to ask questions about that picture. Let them know that this is one aspect of research.
Step 1: Discuss what kind of research is necessary for set design. (historical background, setting, furniture, set dressings, production needs, etc.)
Step 2: Ask the students where they can go to get the needed research. (Internet, magazines, books, recordings, paintings, photos, previous performances, etc.)
Step 3: Explain how to search for information on the internet. Hand out a list of possible websites where the students can get information and pictures of furniture.
Step 4: Hand out the “Research Information” handout and go to the library/computer lab so students may research their chosen scenes.
Step 5: Once the students have finished gathering research information and pictures, they need to fill out the “Research Information” handout. These should be turned in.
Author’s Notes
While I had a document prepared with different interior pictures, it would not allow me to upload it. You will have to find your own interior pictures for the hook.