Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of The Second Circle, created by Patsy Rodenburg, and the importance of presence in performance by applying presence to diverse situations and performing a Shakespearean Sonnet in Second Circle.
Student Prior Experience: Students have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of theatre including body, voice, risk-taking, and performance experience.
National Standards
TH:Cr3.1.II.b. Use research and script analysis to revise physical, vocal, and physiological choices impacting the believability and relevance of a drama/ theatre work.
TH:Pr5.1.II.a. Refine a range of acting skills to build a believable and sustainable drama/theatre performance.
TH: Re7.1.II.a. Demonstrate an understanding of multiple interpretations of artistic criteria and how each might be used to influence future artistic choices of a drama/theatre work.
TH:Re8.1.II.a. Develop detailed supporting evidence and criteria to reinforce artistic choices, when participating in or observing a drama/theatre work.
TH:Re8.1.II.c. Debate and distinguish multiple aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in and observation of drama/theatre work.
TH:Cn11.1.II.a. Integrate conventions and knowledge from different art forms and other disciplines to develop a cross-cultural drama/theatre work.
State Standards
Standard L2.T.CR.5: Explore physical, vocal, and emotional choices to develop a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant in a drama/ theatre work.
Standard L2.T.P.5: Use voice to communicate meaning through volume, pitch, tone, rate of speed, and vocal clarity.
Standard L2.T.R.4: Demonstrate the ability to receive and act upon coaching, feedback, and constructive criticism.
Standard L2.T.R.5: Analyze and assess a drama/theatre work by connecting it to art forms, history, culture, and other disciplines using supporting evidence and criteria.
Standard L2.T.R.7: Analyze why artistic choices are made in a drama/theatre work.
Standard L2.T.CO.3: Examine contemporary social, cultural, or global issues through different forms of drama/theatre work.
Enduring Understandings
Strong actors know how to use presence
Each circle of energy is necessary
Speaking in Second Circle helps the audience understand the text
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of Patsy Rodenburg and her pedagogy by verbally explaining to a partner what the three circles of energy are.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the three circles of energy by writing a self-assessment/reflection after participating in body exercises that practice the three circles of energy.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability and understanding of breathing naturally by performing natural breaths and reflecting on Second Circle breathing exercises.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to speak in Second Circle and analyze their own and others’ ability by performing a sonnet for a partner and writing a self-assessment.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of being present in performance by analyzing presence in others’ performances and preparing a performance with presence.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding and ability to be with someone, stand, breathe, and perform in Second Circle by completing a Sonnet performance, physical assessment, and written assessment.