by Jason Purdie

Basic Stage Lighting

by Jason Purdie



Students will demonstrate their understanding of basic lighting by creating basic lighting designs, and programming and running a light board for a 5-minute scene.


Class Level:



Prior Experience:

Students will have an interest in lighting/technical theatre prior to this class but will probably have very little or no first-hand experience.


National Standards:


  1. Explore the impact of technology on design choices in a drama/theatre work.


  1. Apply technical elements and research to create a design that communicates the concept of a drama/theatre production. 


Main Concepts:

History of Lighting, Lighting Equipment and Instruments, Light Qualities, Light Functions, Basic Electricity and Circuitry, Hanging and Focusing Lights, Channels and Dimmers, and Running Light Boards.


Lesson Plans


Lesson 1: A History of Stage Lighting

Students will demonstrate their understanding of basic lighting history by taking a written quiz.


Lesson 2: Understanding Lighting Equipment and Instruments

Students will demonstrate their knowledge of lighting equipment and instruments by playing “The Light is Right” game.


Lesson 3: The 4 Qualities of Light

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the qualities of light by watching movie clips and writing their responses.


Lesson 4: The 4 Functions of Light

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the 4 functions of light by watching a short scene and writing their responses.


Lesson 5: Hanging and Focusing Lighting Instruments, Part 1

Students will demonstrate their ability to hang and focus lighting instruments by practicing to hang and focus lighting instruments.


Lesson 6: Hanging and Focusing Lighting Instruments, Part 2

Students will demonstrate their ability to hang and focus lighting instruments by hanging lights for a 5-minute scene.


Lesson 7: Channels, Dimmers and the Light Board

Students will demonstrate their understanding of channels, dimmers and light boards by practicing lighting cues and taking an oral quiz.


Lesson 8: Running a Light Board

Students will demonstrate their understanding of running a light board by running the light board for a 5-minute scene.


Basic Lighting Unit of Lessons.Jason Purdie