Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of musical theatre pedagogy by performing a musical solo scene or presenting an Influential Musical PechaKucha.
Materials Needed: Projector, Laptop adapters for PechaKucha Presentations, Self-Reflection supplement
Start the class by leading them through vocal warm ups to prepare them for performance (Why Not and Buzz Arpeggios). Allow them 5-10 minutes to run through their pieces and set up their presentations.
Step 1: Final Performances
Have the students sign up for performance/ presentation slots in the board. After each performance or presentation, allow for peers to give praise on their improved performance or ask questions of the presentations. Allow performances to be recorded for the students to refer to in their self-reflections.
Step 2: Self Reflections
Once the performances and presentations are complete, explain the requirements for the Self-Reflection assignment. Encourage the performers to refer to their recorded videos for their reflection. If the reflection is not completed in class it is due next time.
Wrap Up/ Closure:
Informally ask the class to share their favorite thing they learned/ discovered about musical theatre/ themselves through the process of learning about it.