Foundations of Acting: Scenework

by Ashlyn Anderson

Unit Objective:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of acting foundations by application to an informal performance of a contemporary scene with a partner.


Curriculum Placement: 

This acting unit is intended for a beginning-level theatre class with eighty-minute class periods.


Prior Student Experience: 

Students are expected to have only limited experience with play production. Basic knowledge regarding characters, scripts, and movement are introduced in this unit.


2014 National Core Arts Theatre Standards:

Creating 1.1.I; Performing 4-6.1.I; Responding 7.1.I; Connecting 11.2.I


1994 National Standards: 

Content Standard 1: Script writing by improvising, writing, and refining scripts based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history.


Content Standard 2: Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining characters in improvisations and informal or formal productions.


Content Standard 4: Directing by interpreting dramatic texts and organizing and conducting rehearsals for informal or formal productions.


Main Concepts: 

character development, communication, movement




  1. Honesty

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will show their ability to synthesize confidence, creativity, and honesty by reading a short, original poem to their classmates.


  1. Movement

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their understanding of stage directions and blocking by writing basic blocking into a short scene.


  1. Character

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their ability to develop a character by composing a character’s circumstances journal.


  1. Objectives and Tactics

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will show their ability to write proper objectives and tactics by completing a basic scoring of objectives and tactics into their scripts.


  1. Rehearsal

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the rehearsal process by completing a peer evaluation.


  1. Reacting and Listening

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their ability to react and listen to a scene partner by participating in improvisation exercises and rehearsal.


  1. Final Performance

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Students will show their ability to apply acting foundations to their performance by presenting their final scenes to the class.


Foundations of Acting Unit of Lessons.Ashlyn Anderson