Students sit in a circle. One student whispers a sentence in the ear of the
student sitting next to him. This student whispers it to the next student and
so on until the sentence has gone the whole way around the circle. Ask the
student at the end to repeat the sentence out loud.
Transition/Discussion – Why was the sentence different from the sentence that
started this round? What could we do to fix this communication problem?
Instruction – articulation tools (taking notes in journal):
Ask students what they think helps them articulate? (refer to Theatre Arts in
Action textbook pg. 32-33) lips, teeth, tongue, jaw
Have students repeat together, “The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue, the
articulatory tools.”
Describe how you use these tools to articulate.
Discussion – Ask students to share good or bad examples they have witnessed.
Model – tongue twister from handout.
Group Practice – Divide students into groups of two. One student prepares to
present a bad example and one student prepares to present a good example. Students may choose their own tongue twister or one from the handout.
Individually – Choose a tongue twister to perform. Perform this tongue twister
using 2 different character voices by using vocal variations and add projection. Have students present these in the auditorium.
Closer – Ask students what they learned, where they might use these
tools, who outside this classroom they think should use these tools. Have them record these ideas in their journals.