

Students will better understand and perform proper vocal projection (using the diaphragm), through discussion, participating in various projection exercises in the theatre and reflection.


Materials needed:

Theatre Arts in Action textbook



Pass the word Exercise:

The teacher starts by saying a word. Each student will say the word using a different vocal variation each time. Words might be – whatever, so, really, okay, now, no, sorry, etc.


Transition –

Discussion: Ask students, yesterday we talked about . . . ? (answer should include
something to the effect that vocal variations create great characters.
What happens when we can’t hear them? Ever been to a show where you
can’t hear a character? What was that like? How do actors solve or assure
they are heard especially without body mics?


Instruction – pull out Theatre Arts in Education textbooks – look at diaphragm
pictures, pg. 30, show on your torso where diaphragm is in abdomen (just below the ribs (almost tucked up under the ribs), push hands down showing how the lungs push the diaphragm down


Game – Sit in circle and breathe in for 8, hold 16, breathe out


Discussion – Where do you feel that?

Lie on backs with books on abdomen, breathe in, make books move up and down.


Stand up – create a noisy breathe inhaling quickly on the count of 3. Create a silent breath inhaling quickly on the count of 3. Blow on your hand creating first a cold breath then a hot breath. Ask students where they feel the breathe with noisy and silent, cold and hot breaths.


Discussion – why breathe that deeply? Describe vocal chords, how they work, and healthy use (refer to page 30-31 in Theatre Arts in Action textbook).


Model – supported/non supported sound


Guided Practice – You said potato game – practicing quiet, deep breath, and
supported sound.


On the stage each student chooses a partner. Partners stand facing each
other. Partner A says a word like potato. Partner B says, “You said potato.”
They each take a step back from each other. Partner A says another word.
Partner B says, “You said (whatever word Partner A said).” Continue until
they are as far apart as they can get in the space.
– Have each student participate with a supported sound and non-supported sound.
– Ask students to describe how it felt.


Group Practice – Put students in groups of 4. Have each group come up with an ad,
each group takes the stage and presents their ad so we can hear them at least half way back in the auditorium. Students give thumbs up if they can hear.


Game – Who can hold projected note longest
Standing on the front edge of the stage with the intent of projecting to the
back of the auditorium, on the count of three each person hits a note using
the syllable “ah” and holds the note for as long as they can.


Closer – Have students draw diaphragm in their journals, describe what situations
you would want to use the diaphragm. Check each journal to see their drawings and writing. If there is time have students share where projection would be used outside of the theater.