Students will demonstrate their understanding of the collaborative nature of the actor, director, and designers and their interdependent roles in a drama/theatre work by fulfilling one of these roles in a small performance piece.
*continue to rehearse their performative piece*
Prior Experience:
Students will draw upon all lessons in this unit as they practice the following skills: collaboration, acting, designing, script analysis, and “yes, and.”
Class Style:
*Students will meet in their small Zoom Meetings during the regular class period.*
National Standards:
TH:Cr2-I.b. Investigate the collaborative nature of the actor, director, playwright, and designers and explore their interdependent roles in a drama/theatre work.
TH:Re9.1.I.c. Formulate a deeper understanding and appreciation of a drama/ theatre work by considering its specific purpose or intended audience.
TH:Cr3.1.Ia. Practice and revise a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using theatrical staging conventions
Big Ideas:
Rehearsal is a helpful and necessary part of theatre making.
Enduring Understandings:
Students will continue to develop their collaboration skills as they work in a group.
Essential Questions:
What does effective rehearsal time look like?
Create Zoom groups for each of the students to join. Let them know that you will be joining their groups to check in on them and answer any questions that they might have during the class block.
Meet as a whole class at first.
Remind students that they will be meeting in their smaller groups for most of the class today. Remind students that you will be spending about 10 minutes in each small group meeting to check in and answer any questions they might have. They can also email you at any point during the class if they have any questions.
Quick note for designers: next class period, you will be presenting your work. You should have some sort of sketch or a series of images that you will be showing to us. If they are physical images, you can just show them to us on your camera. If you have digital images that you are wishing to share during your presentation, send them to me in an email so that I can have them ready to share to the class. There should be no more than 7 images that you email to me. The deadline for that is at 11:55 p.m. the night before class.
(This way, you can put the images that students are wishing to share on a powerpoint for each group. This will eliminate transition periods on performance day)
Give time for students to ask you any questions they have before they head into small groups.
Ask the students to briefly check in at the end of class in a whole class virtual meeting. They can share a quick report of what they accomplished. Remind them of the homework paragraph described below and when it needs to be emailed to the teacher.
When they get to their groups, they should spend the first 5 minutes making a goal for their rehearsal as a group.
For homework, they should turn in a paragraph about what they did in their small groups. They need to answer the following questions in their paragraphs.
What did I learn about collaboration and what can I do better next time?
What are you excited that you accomplished?
What was your goal and did you meet it during rehearsal?