Objective: Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of plot structure as they outline and label the elements of dramatic structure in their own radio dramas.
Standard 7–8.T.CR.3: Use form and structure to create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end that includes full character development, believable dialogue, and logical plot outcomes.
EU & EQ:
What makes a good story?
What is dramatic structure?
How can storytelling be helpful outside of drama?
I can create a story that follows dramatic structure.
Good dramatic structure includes a beginning, middle, end and a clear conflict.
Materials Needed:
Whiteboard and markers
Discuss: What makes a good story? Is there a specific structure or order of events that good stories have in common? How can good storytelling be helpful outside of drama? (giving presentations and speeches, if you are an animator, you have to pitch your drawings and designs, telling the story that they are creating. Also, being a comedian; telling stories to friends; creative writing for fun or in English class; etc.)
Step 1
-Ask the students if they know what Dramatic Structure is?
-Draw the Line Graph of Dramatic Structure on the board and ask if anyone now knows what it is?
-Begin labeling the chart allowing the students to name the ones they know. Have students draw out the chart on their own pieces of paper and label each section, taking notes and following along with the class.
Exposition (Introduction)
Inciting Incident
Rising Action
Climax (Turning Point)
Falling Action
Denouement (Conclusion)
Step 2:
-explain that many amateur writers don’t include much falling action-they hit the climax and say “the end”…you NEED falling action
-talk about Harry Potter 4
-ask the students what the climax is (the graveyard scene)
-how well would the story work if the story ended right there? No good. There is still
-bringing Cedric back
-Mad Eye taking Harry to the castle and trying to kill him
-Dumbledore coming to the rescue
-finding the real Mad Eye
This is all really important information to the story-we can’t have the graveyard scene and then skip the train station with everyone leaving school for the year. It just doesn’t work
Step 3:
-remind the students of the Star Wars radio drama. Talk about what was each part of Dramatic Structure was/is and write an outline of it on the board