Lesson #3: Slam Poetry Centers
Students will explore how to achieve an emotional objective through a partner using tactics in contentless scenes.
What does it mean for a scene to be “contentless?”
How do we connect actions and feelings?
How are our feelings influenced by our relationships?
What happens if you try saying the same thing in different ways.
The experience of writing something and then trying to say it different ways gives us new information about it.
The voice that we hear in our head is not the voice our audience hears.
Relationship adds a subtext to a performance that may not otherwise be there.
Materials Needed:
Butcher Paper
Something students can read
Class-appropriate Slam Poems
The quote for this class is:
“Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private. ”
— Allen Ginsberg
Step 1: “Don’t Get Me Started On!” — Explain that each of the students is going to do something that requires them to really let loose on things that they have untapped primal rage about. In other words, they’re going to act really angry (whether that’s pretend or real.) Explain that you’ll demonstrate this first, and ask for students to give you suggestions for things that might make you angry. When one lands with you raise both your hands and say loudly, “Don’t get me started on ___whatever that thing is___” rant about it for 30-60 seconds. Invite a couple of volunteers to come model for the class as well and have them take suggestions for things that might make them angry. If more students want to go than we could do in 5-10 minutes break them into 2 or 3 groups and have them play amongst themselves. When the rage has burned out, or you’re about 20 minutes into class, have the students wrap up and form a circle.
Step 2: Intro to the Centers — Ask the students to discuss what it feels like to express what is really in their hearts. Why don’t we do this very often? What are the risks involved? What do we think of people that do this all the time? When is it ok? Explain that Slam Poems are one popular contemporary way in which we express our feelings that don’t get out nearly as often perhaps they could.
Explain that the students are going to participate in a series of activities in this class that will help them think about and engage with slam poetry as an expressive art form. Explain that the students will have to have a peer sign-off on the fact that they have participated in at least 4 of the 6 centers before the end of class. Then walk about the class and demonstrate how each center operates. You will want to create “Task” cards that give written directions to students when they arrive at the center.
Remember to have students ask questions and/or repeat directions back to ensure that they are both listening and engaged. Centers will require them to work independently much of the class and they need to be sure to get things out of each of them. Also ensure that students don’t go to the centers until all have been explained.
Step 3: Release the Kraken — Give students the task card/hand out at the bottom of this lesson plan and enable them to work on their own. Explain that they should spend no more than 15 minutes any one place and will need to have a conversation with their peers for the last 5 minutes of class. Spend time when possible side coaching or inviting students to work at centers that appear to be less fruitful or have gotten off track.
Step 4: Bringing in the Closer — Ask students to share their thoughts about poetry in general, and then slam poetry. Ask students to share which centers were the most and least useful (and then adapt for future use) and why. Explain to students that they are going to need to be a little bit vulnerable to be successful in this unit.