Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to rehearse and give feedback by rehearsing and refining their final performances and getting peer feedback on their final performances.
TH:Re9.1.7a. Explain preferences, using supporting evidence and criteria to evaluate drama/theatre work.
Have students stand in a circle. Ask them to reach in the air as high as they can. Wait until students do so. Instruct them, “Now reach even higher.” If students struggle, you might suggest to them to think about how they can use their whole bodies to reach even higher.
Why were you able to reach higher the second time? If I said, “reach as high as you can” but you could still reach higher the second time, what changed? (They used their whole bodies, they tried harder, they had feedback/suggestions/encouragement from someone, etc).
This is why we need to rehearse, self-evaluate, and get feedback from others. If we never rehearse, we never know what we need to fix. If we don’t evaluate ourselves, we will never realize that we can reach even higher. If we don’t get feedback from others, we miss out on important ideas and experiences that help us reach even higher.
Step 1:
Divide the class so that one group is with another group. Pass out the Peer Feedback Sheets. Students will need to explain their group’s choices to another group of peers, perform their piece, and receive written feedback from the other group on the Peer Feedback sheets. They will do the same for their partner group (listen, watch, give written feedback).
Step 2:
Give groups time to rehearse, implementing the feedback they just received. Try to keep them on track and referring to the rubric as questions arise or performances begin to get off point.