Students will demonstrate understanding of the role of a costume designer and the importance of costumes and costume design to theatre by researching and creating a costume design for a character in their chosen scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Materials Needed
Copies of Production Book Costuming Requirements
Extra handouts from unit lessons
Multiple fabric scraps for swatches.
Supplies that may help the students be more creative in completing their portfolios: colored pencils, scissors, glue, regular paper, lined paper, colored paper, etc
Lesson Directions
Anticipatory Set/Hook
Have a supply table in front of the desks/chairs laid out with all the above materials on it.
Step 1— Today, you are not a student. You are a costume designer. You are going to work on the costume designs for your scene from Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Ask: What do you need to keep in mind while you design the costume? (concept, character, movement, personality, the other aspects of the production—set, lighting, etc.)
Step 2—Distribute the Portfolio Requirements for Costume Designer:
Costume Designer: 100pts
Definition 5pts
Responsibilities 5pts
Correlating Handouts/Research 5pts
Preliminary Design Sketches 10pts
and Notations 5pts
Final Design Sketches/Pix 20pts
and Notations 5pts
Description 5pts
Fabric Swatches 10pts
Explanation of choices 5pts
Costume Construction Crew
Definition 5pts
Responsibilities 5pts
Correlating Handouts/Research 5pts
Step 3—Explain the Expectations and Consequences of this work day:
Expectations:Students are expected to use the time wisely.
Students will do their own work.
Participation points will be determined by how much is accomplish during the period.
Students will be required to submit all work at the end of the period.
I will be available to help, clarify, and answer questions.
Consequences: Today’s work day will end immediately, and
Students will not be given work time in the future.
Step 4—Continually monitor the students throughout the class period. Maintain close proximity with students by walking around the room, checking students’ work. Keep the students apprised of the time.
Step 5— Ask students if they need any help.
Step 6—Have students clean up a few minutes before the bell rings.
Ask: Was this time helpful? How? Why?
CLOSURE: Remind students that they must finish the remainder of this portfolio section outside of class and don’t forget to write in your Learning Log.