Just Do It


Students will demonstrate their understanding of an audition by auditioning in front of classmates and a panel of people experienced in the theatrical business.




Panel, Accompanist, Piano, Evaluation Forms, Audition Schedule, “Shows Being Auditioned For” Reference Guides




As the students enter the room, have the panel members stand in a line at the door, greet them, shake hands, and make introductions. Immediately after each student has gone through the line, have them come to you and sign up in the order they’d like on the audition schedule. This is the order they will be auditioning in. Ask students if they have their resumes and, if singing, sheet music. Have them sit in their desks. On each desk, have preplaced classmate evaluation forms face down and a “Shows Being Auditioned For” reference guide. Students will have had a copy of the form in their audition packet from day one of the unit.



Instruction—On cue of the bell, go to the front of the classroom. Have students flip over evaluation forms if they have not done so. Explain the following. They will grade each audition based on the form’s rubric and write a positive and constructive critique for each student. The panel and you as a teacher will use the same form to grade the auditions and offer feedback, though they and you may also write additional notes which will not be part of the grade. You as a teacher will compile all the feedback and rubrics for each individual to give to them at the end of the unit. You will play the stage manager. To start each audition, the student will exit the room and be brought in by the stage manager. Do not tell them what to do in the audition, but remind them to remember what was previously discussed on what to do. At the end of each audition, the panel will briefly share some of their feedback with the student for the entire class to observe. As a final request, tell them to have fun and just do their best. Before class, ask the panel to support you at this point with agreeances, smiles, and nods.



Performance—The panel will sit behind the students. You will sit in a chair by the door. Start with the first student and begin the audition process. Have the student exit the room and bring them in. Let them give their audition then escort them out of the room. Bring them back in to again stand in front of the class, this time for brief feedback from the panel then let them sit down. Have them fill out an evaluation form for themselves. Repeat with each student.



Leave ten minutes at the end to ask students, panel, and accompanist how they thought the auditions went as a whole. Give your input. Highlight the positives. Ask students what they learned. Remind them they will be turning in their reflective papers next class time. Thank, and have the students thank with you, the panel and accompanist. Next class period, have the students write class thank you notes to each of these individuals.




Audition Evaluation Form and Reflective Response (100 points total—84 for audition grade and 16 for reflective response grade)




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• Show Title: Brief Synopsis
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-Character: Brief Character Description -Character: Brief Character Description


Lesson 6.Audition Schedule