

The students will demonstrate their ability to learn set movement by performing and helping to choreograph a short dance


Materials Needed

pre-selected music that will depend on what the theme of the dance is, any pump-up music for when they come in, C.D. player.


Lesson Directions

Anticipatory Set/Hook
Have music playing when they arrive. Once again play the shadow game but this time, let the music motivate the movement and sound.



Step 1: Recap from the previous lesson how dance is used to 1)further the plot (tell a story) 2)introduce a character and 3)express emotion.


Step 2: Explain to the students that they are going to create a short series of movements that center around a theme (ex. My first date, my most awkward date, eating breakfast, studying etc.) Have them keep in mind the three aspects of dance and recognize which one their movement does. Their movement should be fairly short only about eight counts max.


Step 3: Give them time to work by themselves or with a partner to create their movement and give them an allotted time.


Step 4: Bring everyone together. Depending on the class size, have either all of the students or just a few students show their movement to the class. Have the class see if they can pinpoint what aspect the movement covers. Then have the student teach the class their movement. The teacher should make it fit the music the best they can while still preserving the original as much as possible.


Step 5: After the whole dance is put together and put to music, go over it plenty of times so that the class feels confident with it. Make sure it is not too long or they won’t have time to master it and it will just be frustrating.


Step 6: Have the class perform the dance all together and video tape it.