Students will show an ability to create cuts, scrapes, burns, and/or gore effects by creating a step by step design and applying it to themselves or a partner.
Enough makeup for each student
Copies of Makeup Design Sheet for each student (see Lesson 1 Supplements)
Facial cleanser and towels for each student
Makeup Morgue
Enough brushes and sponges for each student
Makeup room key
Mirror or a volunteer for demonstration
Enough latex, putty, wax, and/or gelatin for each student
Collect the old age design sheet as roll is being taken and pass out a new design sheet for today’s assignment. Show the students the new (bruise, scar, open wound, black eye, or something of the sort) that I got last period. After they understand that it is fake, invite them into your torture chamber (the makeup room) where they will be receiving like treatment. Remind them to bring their materials with them.
Instruction/Directions/Modeling/Checking/Guided Practice
o Black Eyes
Not just black circles
Usually consist of 3 or more colors
NO Hard lines! The edges should fade to normal
Highlights and shadows can emphasize puffiness
Why are black eyes so complicated?
o Bruises
Similar to black eye
o Burns
Lesser degree burns can be applied with just makeup, but severe burns require latex or even prosthetics.
Scumble texture of multiple colors not just one flat color usually
o Cuts
Small cuts can be applied with just makeup, but most require latex, putty, wax, or other fun substances.
Latex can be applied in layers to deepen cuts to desired effect.
Color choices depend on type of cut.
o Scars and Scabs
These can be applied with just makeup, putty, latex, prosthetics, or other substances depending on the severity and the designer’s choice.
o Open Wounds
These can incorporate all of the above, but almost always include the addition of stage blood.
Blood should be used conservatively and in a manner befitting the wound.
The amount of time between the infliction of the wound and the moment it is seen on stage influences the appearance of the wound and how much stage blood should be used.
Review the different things that the students need to know about a character before designing an appropriate injury. Also review some of the steps and techniques they need to know for application. Have the students explain how to apply an injury they did to their partner. Then have all the students clean themselves up. Be sure to clean up well before the next class as the students should definitely not be seen with injury makeup in the hall or going to their next class looking like a victim of an accident. Discuss with them the importance that they be responsible and try to avoid scaring other students or faculty.
Before dismissing the class, introduce the final design assignment. Students will be responsible to find a fantasy character from a narrative and create their own unique design for that character. The first draft of this project is due (date of lesson 7).