Students will show an ability to apply old age makeup by creating a step by step design, shaping latex, and applying it to themselves or a partner.
Enough makeup for each student
Copies of Makeup Design Sheet for each student (see Lesson 1 Supplements)
Facial cleanser and towels for each student
Makeup Morgue
Enough brushes and sponges for each student
Makeup room key
Mirror or a volunteer for demonstration
Enough latex, putty, wax, and/or gelatin for each student
Review with the students what they learned last time. How do we alter basic corrective makeup to produce the effect of aging someone?
o Remind the class that today we will be using different materials to help us produce effects for old age.
o Ask the students to head to the makeup room with their partners, and help carry some of the materials if needed.
o Show the class some nose putty.
Explain that nose putty is often used to reshape the rigid area of the nose. This substance does not adhere well to areas of the skin that are soft or mobile.
It is usually applied by degreasing an area of the skin and covering the area in spirit gum.
Be sure to mention that many people are allergic to some of the substances that we will be using. If at any time you feel a burning sensation while applying these substances, stop immediately and remove the substance. Let the teacher know, and we will come up with an alternative.
What is nose putty used for?
How is it used?
What do you do if you start feeling a burning or severe itching sensation?
o Follow the same process to explain how to use derma wax. It is like putty, but it is more difficult to manage and adhere.
o Continue to explain how to use gelatin.
Gelatin can be found at nearly any grocer.
It can be adhered in a similar fashion, but requires a 1 to 1 ratio of gelatin to water. It also dries quickly, so it must be shaped swiftly.
It can be adhered to softer and more mobile tissue if applied in layers.
o Finally, explain how to use latex.
Latex is great for creating wrinkles, scars, bumps, etc.
Usually applied in layers.
If the layers are applied too loosely, the latex will flake instead of wrinkle, so be very careful or you may have to start over.
This is the most difficult of the aging materials to work with in my opinion.
Remember to check for understanding by asking similar questions to the ones above.
o Tell the students to look at their designs that they had brought with them today.
Ask them what types of aging materials they could use on their design.
Have them alter their designs a little if need be to include at least one of the types of aging materials.
Have them complete the worksheet by filling in the steps to carry out the application of the design.
Guided Practice
o If time allows, have the students apply their designs to their partners.
o Remember to check individual student work.
Ask a student who has been aged to volunteer to dummy for the class. Have the class review by critiquing the application together. What looks good? What could be improved? How was this applied? Etc. Then ask the students to clean up and dismiss the class when ready.
The old age design sheet has a proficiency of 20/25, and participation for the day is 8/10.