Elements of Greek Tragedy


Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the tragic hero, hamartia and catharsis through a self-teaching activity.



Texts: Elements of Greek Tragedy
Literacies: Giving students the opportunity to teach



• Copies of the Tragic Hero, Hamartia/Tragic Flaw, and Catharsis Notes for the class.  Lesson 5.Tragic Hero, Catharsis, Hamartia Sheet
• A Festival of Knowledge: Tragedy sheet for each student.  Lesson 5.Tragedy Sheet



Allow the students to finish the performances left over from the previous day.


STEP 1: Transition

Now that we’ve looked at story structure and how to create a story, let’s specifically talk about tragedy!


STEP 2: Instruction

For the Greeks tragedy was very important. Aristotle, the philosopher, explained that tragedy needs some very specific information.


• Explain that THEY are going to be the teachers for a minute. They are responsible for this information. They will be tested on it, so ask questions of the person who is teaching.
• In groups of three give each student a different part of tragedy.
• Give them 3 minutes to look over the sheet and be able to teach it to other people in the group.
• Have the students turn their papers over.
• They each get 2 minutes to teach their term to the group and 30 seconds at the end to check their papers to see if they’ve missed anything.
• The other 2 students should be copying down notes on their “Festival of Knowledge: Tragedy” sheet.
• Switch until all have taught.



Ask the class “Who has the BEST definition of _______?”

• Choose a student to come up and explain it to the class.
• “Did they forget anything? If so, what?”



ANNOUNCE THAT THERE’S A TEST TOMORROW! Have them write 1 question they have about what we’ve learned (graffiti board, etc) on a half sheet and turn it in before they leave.