Types of Stages

Lesson Objective:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the different stage types by turning in stage diagrams.



• A big round piece of string or rope, enough for everyone to hang on to.

Lesson 2.Audience Labels


Step1: Warm Up—Zip, Zap, Zop

Have students stand in a circle. One student begins and says “zip” as she slaps her hands, points to a person and makes eye contact with that person. The second person does the same thing but say zap and the third person says zop. Then the whole sequence starts again.
If you say the wrong word at the wrong time or don’t receive the zip/zap/zop, then you’re out. Play until there are two people left.
Ask: Why would we play this game in a drama class?


Step 2: Review of Stage directions

Have students help you fill out a basic stage diagram (including house directions) on the board. Stage directions are from whose perspective? How about the House directions?


Step 3: Different stage shapes

Write on the board: Arena Theatre/Theatre in the Round; Thrust Stage/3/4 Stage; End Stage, Proscenium Stage
Have audience signs you can put around the students
Have students Stand in a circle and each hold on to the piece of string in a circle.
Ask them to move certain ways in order to configure into different stage shapes and put the audience around them. Name each stage shape they’ve made and ask them where the audience is.


Step 4: Notes on the Stage Shapes

Have them go back to their seats, hand out paper. Have them fold it into 4 parts. Label the squares 1, 2, 3, 4.
On the board, draw a thrust stage. Label stage and audience. Have the students do the same. Write what it is on the square. Do the same for each stage type.


Step 5: Review

Call out a stage type or where the audience sits and have students in groups come up with the answers.


Step 6: Stage Directions Review

Do the “If you are. . . “ stage directions activity, only this time have a student give the commands.


Step 7: Closure

Have students tell you the four types of stages.