CONTENT STANDARD 2: Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining characters in improvisations and informal or formal productions.
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Comparing and integrating art forms by analyzing traditional theatre, dance, music, and visual arts, and new art forms.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Analyzing, critiquing, and constructing meanings from informal and formal theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions
Curriculum Key Design for VIEWPOINTS UNIT:
Stage 1—Desired Results
Established Goals:
Know the 9 elements of Viewpoints inside and out
Create a group composition
Explore acting and reacting with your body more than your face.
Explore character development using Viewpoints
Students will understand that……
Purposes of Viewpoints
Training performers
Building ensemble
Creating movement for the stage
Composition is the creating process—using rehearsal to experiment, discover, and explore
Viewpoints require action rather than talking about what we will do next
Viewpoints can be used in all theatre:
o Musicals
o Plays
o Scenes
Essential Questions:
What is the benefit of using Viewpoints in rehearsal?
How can I let go of inhibitions?
Where would I use Viewpoints?
In what ways can I improve my ability to communicate emotion kinesthetically?
What does it take to follow impulses and react to stimuli?
What are the benefits of focus and quietness?
Why is reacting more important than planning?
Why is plot not essential in Viewpoints?
Students will know…
ü Tempoü Duration
ü Kinesthetic Response
ü Repetition
ü Shape
ü Gesture
ü Architecture
ü Spacial Relationship
ü Topography
Soft Focus, being present, reacting to stimuli
Students will be able to (put into practice)
ü Tempoü Duration
ü Kinesthetic Response
ü Repetition
ü Shape
ü Gesture
ü Architecture
ü Spacial Relationship
ü Topography
Soft Focus, being present, reacting to stimuli
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Activities of the 9 Viewpoints
Shape activities
Gesture activities
Viewpoints Quiz
Open Viewpoints
Grafitti boards
Create group compositions
Rehearse group compositions
Other Evidence:
Pair shares
Group work
Viewpoints review
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Open Viewpoints to silence and to music
Create group compositions and rehearse them using composition principles
Performing Activities of key Viewpoints that need reviewing
Use Viewpoints to block a scene
Use Viewpoints in character development—timeline of personal life and character’s life
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the 9 elements of viewpoints and responding to stimuli by work shopping group compositions.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the 9 elements of viewpoints and responding to stimuli by work shopping group compositions.