Students will be able to create a story for their music video by working as a team to create and present a storyboarding concept.
Facet of Understanding
#1 Explanation, #2 Interpretation, #3 Application
Enduring Understanding 1:
Theatre reflects real life stories and experiences.
Enduring Understanding 2:
Theatre teaches critical thinking and analysis of stories.
Essential Question 1:
How does collaboration affect choices in creating a music video?
Essential Question 2:
What influence does story arc have on storyboarding?
Materials needed:
Big paper, Markers, notebook paper.
Watch a music video in class. Analyze its composition. Ex. Regina Spektor “Fidelity”, OK Go “Here it goes again.” Step 1 – Present Examples of a Storyboard, and examples of different camera shots. Useful resource: Step 2- Have the class work together to come up with a story board for the music video. Step 4- Present their storyboards to class/teacher as if in a story pitch. Step 5 – They will use the last 10 minutes to work as a group to fulfill step number 3: Assigning, organizing and gathering.
Final Assessment for Lesson 4:
Students will be informally assessed on group collaboration. Student storyboards will be handed in and assessed based on preparation, thoughtfulness and appropriateness. Presentations will be assessed on projection & diction, communication and enthusiasm.
Be prepared for the prep day next class. Individual Assignments will be due at the End of the period.