Lesson 2 – Performance Pre-Assessment and Patsy Rodenburg
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of Patsy Rodenburg and her pedagogy by verbally explaining to a partner what the three circles of energy are.
Essential Questions
National Standards
State Standards
Pass the Snap
Tell the students that they’ve already done a written pre-assessment for the unit. Now we will be doing a performance pre-assessment. Let them know that they will be asked to do things that are completely unknown to them or uncomfortable. Ask them to try their best. There won’t be an explanation of these activities yet. The explanation of terms will come at the end of the lesson and in future lessons.
Performance Pre-Assessment
The Pre-Assessment shouldn’t take longer than 30 minutes. Move to each activity as soon as you finish the previous one. Keep comments brief. The discussion at the end of the pre-assessment can take more time.
Walking in each circle (Physicality of the circles of energy)
Eye to eye (Sitting in Second Circle)
Inform students that we will now start learning about what First, Second, and Third Circle mean and how they can help us as actors!
Instruct students: Patsy Rodenburg is a British Vocal Coach, and she didn’t agree with teachers who said that some actors had ‘it’ and some actors did not (‘it’ referring to a quality that made them great). She recognized that ‘it’ was presenceand it was something that everyone could do: everyone is born with it and we need to learn how to access it.
She noticed that we live in three different circles of energy, and one circle was connected to being present. Everyone has all three circles, and we can switch between the circles quickly. (Write each circle and important details on the whiteboard as you instruct students).
Tell students that we will watch two videos of Patsy Rodenburg speaking. These videos will explain more about the circles of energy and performance:
Instruct: It is important to note that all three Circles are necessary and we use all three in different circumstances. While Second Circle is the circle of creativity and survival, it can be exhausting to be in the circle for too long.
Invite students to turn to a partner and ask them to try and explain the three circles of energy. After they’ve done that, ask students to put up fingers (1-5) of how well they feel that they understand the circles of energy (1-not at all, 5- completely)
Tell students that they will continue practicing and defining the circles of energies and how they apply to performance.
Remind students that there is an online lesson that they will need to complete before the next in-person class. They will need about 30 minutes to complete this activity. If you have time, pull up the assignment on the projector to show them what they will need to accomplish.