The students will demonstrate their knowledge of voice by creating a poster with a group.
Vocal Countdown- Have students stand and count to 10 several times. Each time they will use a new vocal quality.
o Ideas- Drill Sergeant, Raspy, Opera Singer, Angry, Sad, Laughing, Cowboy, Three-year old, Romantically, Really Fast, Low Pitched Voice, Bored, Rock Singer, High Pitch, Very Slow, Martian voice, Airy, Sarcastic, Irish, Stern, Ultimate Power, Valley Girl, etc. – Review ways to change the voice
– Finish Voice Note page (see full unit of plans for handout)- Vocal Anatomy part
– What is voice? In groups- have students make a poster- they can draw vocal anatomy, list ways to change their voice, anything. Have students share their posters and hang them up.