Transforming Your Body

Lesson 3: Transforming Your Body


Lesson Objective:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of becoming objects with their body by participating in class discussion and a group in class performance.



TH:Pr5.1.I.a. Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance.


Materials Needed:

Robin Hood Video, 1:04-2:46 –



Hook (10 minutes):

Human Machine

Have students gather in a large semicircle facing the board. We are going to become human machines. Explain to the students that one of them will begin by being one small part of the machine. We don’t know what this machine does until it is completed but each part needs to connect or interact with the other part. And each part must have a repeated motion and sound. Ask for a volunteer to begin and instruct students to go around the semicircle and become a part of the machine, each student continuing their action and sound until the entire class has become part of the machine. Instruct the machine to go faster, slower, be louder, quieter, etc. Ask students what they thought the machine was. What did it feel like it was doing or creating? What was its purpose?


Step 1: (5 minutes)

Introduction/Formative Assessment:

What are we talking about in this class right now? (Movement)

Remember there are 3 types of movement we are focusing on. What is the first one that we have been working on (think back to the performances we did with the house scenario)? (Interacting with imaginary people, places or things)

Today we will move on to the second type of movement: Becoming objects with our bodies. What does that mean?


Step 2: (10 minutes)

Watch Robin Hood video. Pause periodically. What are they doing here?  How can we tell? What are they doing with their bodies that helps tell this story? What objects are they becoming with their bodies?


Step 3: (10-15 minutes)

Individual and Group Practice

Find your own space in the room and begin walking around. Practice making different shapes with your body that I call out. Some will be specific. Some will be more abstract. Remember, this is silent. You do not need to make animal noises. We need to be able to see that you are that animal with your body. You do NOT need to talk; you do not need to announce what you are. We should be able to look around and tell what you are.











Now, as a class, become a sunny beach. Remember, you are not a person on the beach, you are a part of the beach.



Frozen Tundra


Now the wind is blowing in the forest

Pirate ship

Now the ship is tossing back and forth in the waves

Now the ship is capsizing!


Step 4: (5 minutes)


Were any of you surprised by what you were able to make with your bodies? Did anyone see anything interesting that they or someone else did with their bodies? When you feel you made a good shape or did a good job becoming an object, what made it good?


Step 5: (15-20 minutes)


Divide the class into two groups. They will decide on an object or machine or place that they will become with their bodies. Group 1 will rehearse in the hall; Group 2 will stay in the classroom. After 10 minutes, the groups will perform their piece for the other half of the class. The other half of the class will then guess what the object or scenario was.


Step 6: (5 minutes)


Groups will perform and then by raise of hands the other group will guess what their object was and what was going on.


Step 7: (5-7 minutes)

How is what we did today different than what we did the last two classes? What is the value of being able to become objects with our bodies?