Lesson Objective: Students will prepare for their performance previews by rehearsing their pieces in groups.
Moulin Rouge DVD, rehearsal clip
Show Bohemians’ rehearsal clip from Moulin Rouge
Briefly discuss element of unified design in this piece
Have students call them out as a review from last time
Use this clip to a segue into students’ rehearsal time!
“Now it’s your turn to practice!”
Rehearsal Breakdown
Give them the first bit of time to work on their pieces individually
Have students get into groups of 3 or 4 and find a space in the room/auditorium to work their pieces for each other
Have them take turns performing and work shopping with each other using the rubric as a guide for feedback
Walk around and check up on each group, make sure they’re on task, clarify questions, provide feedback as necessary
Performance Preview discussion
Explain the logistics of the performance previews
Students will perform piece for class, will be given notes and feedback based on the rubric requirements to help them prep for their final performances
Based on Answer/clarify any questions students might have