Shakespeare Polish & Refine


Students will demonstrate their understanding of rehearsing by making and working on one specific acting goal for the Shakespearean monologue or scene.



Student’s written goals from last class period



After reading through the preview responses, and after compiling a list of what common weaknesses you observed during the previews, conduct a learning activity that focuses in on at least one of those elements and addresses the weakness and provides some ideas to overcome it. One such activity may be “Slide Show” where students are divided into groups and perform an improvised slide show depending on what their spokesperson describes as their favorite summer vacation. It highlights a physical freedom as they work to create the slides of the vacation and allows their creativity to work as they enact human beings as well as inanimate objects.



Transition – Discuss with the students some of the weaknesses that were mentioned in the preview responses and/or your observations. Brainstorm with the class different ways to work on those weaknesses, including very specific tactics or steps that can be taken to make the weak aspect strong.



Guided Practice – In order for the students to understand what “polishing” and “refining” a performance piece means, either conduct another learning activity that focuses on getting better in a performance or pull up a scene/monologue from the class and coach the student(s) through their piece focusing on their goal and overcoming what they consider their weakest moment/thing.



Individual Practice – Collect the Secondary Source Outlines from the students. Encourage them to use the information they learned from the secondary source in their scene or monologue. Give the students the remainder of the class to rehearse their monologues or scenes. Remind them of the final performances that will be performed next class period, along with turning in the play analysis and Cliff Notes Outline.



Students can be assessed by their participation in rehearsing their performance pieces, their written acting goal, and their Secondary Source outline.