
by Beau Brewster

Unit Objective:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of composition and the 9 elements of Viewpoints by performing group compositions.


Learning Level:

Drama 3. Intermediate


Prior Experience:

Directing, Playwriting, Auditioning, and Pantomime.


2014 National Core Arts Theatre Standards:

Creating: 1, 3.1.III; Performing: 5.1.III; Responding: 9.1.III


1994 National Standards:

CONTENT STANDARD 2: Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining characters in improvisations and informal or formal productions.


CONTENT STANDARD 6: Comparing and integrating art forms by analyzing traditional theatre, dance, music, and visual arts, and new art forms.


CONTENT STANDARD 7: Analyzing, critiquing, and constructing meanings from informal and formal theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions


Curriculum Key Design for VIEWPOINTS UNIT:

Stage 1—Desired Results

Established Goals:

  • Know the 9 elements of Viewpoints inside and out
  • Create a group composition
  • Explore acting and reacting with your body more than your face.
  • Explore character development using Viewpoints



 Students will understand that……

  • Purposes of Viewpoints
  1. Training performers
  2. Building ensemble
  3. Creating movement for the stage
  • Composition is the creating process—using rehearsal to experiment, discover, and explore
  • Viewpoints require action rather than talking about what we will do next
  • Viewpoints can be used in all theatre:

o    Musicals

o    Plays

o    Scenes


Essential Questions:
  • What is the benefit of using Viewpoints in rehearsal?
  • How can I let go of inhibitions?
  • Where would I use Viewpoints?
  • In what ways can I improve my ability to communicate emotion kinesthetically?
  • What does it take to follow impulses and react to stimuli?
  • What are the benefits of focus and quietness?
  • Why is reacting more important than planning?
  • Why is plot not essential in Viewpoints?

Students will know…

ü  Tempoü  Duration

ü  Kinesthetic Response

ü  Repetition

ü  Shape

ü  Gesture

ü  Architecture

ü  Spacial Relationship

ü  Topography

  • Soft Focus, being present, reacting to stimuli

Students will be able to (put into practice)

ü  Tempoü  Duration

ü  Kinesthetic Response

ü  Repetition

ü  Shape

ü  Gesture

ü  Architecture

ü  Spacial Relationship

ü  Topography

  • Soft Focus, being present, reacting to stimuli

Stage 2—Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:

  • Activities of the 9 Viewpoints
  • Shape activities
  • Gesture activities
  • Viewpoints Quiz
  • Open Viewpoints
  • Grafitti boards
  • Create group compositions
  • Rehearse group compositions

Other Evidence:

  • Pair shares
  • Discussions
  • Group work
  • Viewpoints review

Stage 3—Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

  • Open Viewpoints to silence and to music
  • Create group compositions and rehearse them using composition principles
  • Performing Activities of key Viewpoints that need reviewing
  • Use Viewpoints to block a scene
  • Use Viewpoints in character development—timeline of personal life and character’s life









Unit Lessons:


Lesson 1: Elements of Viewpoints

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the 9 elements of Viewpoints by teaching the class and creating group compositions.


Lesson 2:  Composition

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of composition by rehearsing a group viewpoint composition.


Lesson 3:  Responding to Stimuli and Workshops

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the 9 elements of viewpoints and responding to stimuli by work shopping group compositions.


Lesson 4: Shape and Workshops

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the 9 elements of viewpoints and responding to stimuli by work shopping group compositions.


Lesson 5:  Character Work

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of character work through Viewpoints by creating and performing a character time-line.


Lesson 6:  Music and Rehearsal

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of combining music and Viewpoints by participating in an open viewpoint


Lesson 7:  Viewpoint Performances

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of composition and the 9 elements of Viewpoints by performing group compositions.


Viewpoints Unit