Uta Hagen's Object Exercises

by Meagan Wright


Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Object Exercise by incorporating five of the ten exercises in a contentless scene.


Class Level:



Main Concepts:

endowment, acting naturally, making entrances, etc.


1994 National Standards:

Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining characters in improvisations and informal or formal productions.



This unit is based on Uta Hagen’s book and acting exercises. They can be used for all levels of student experience from beginning to advanced.


Author’s Note:

Review pages 81-90 from Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen, to ensure continuity and consistency throughout the unit. Also consider having students use a journal to record thoughts and impressions throughout the unit.


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: The Basic Object Exercise
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s The Basic Object Exercises exercise by rehearsing and performing a 2-minute slice of their life.

Lesson 2: Three Entrances
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Three Entrances exercise by performing this exercise through a contentless scene.

Lesson 3: Immediacy
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Immediacy exercise by performing immediacy in a 1-minute rehearsed search for a personal valuable.

Lesson 4: The Fourth Wall
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s The Fourth Wall exercise by performing a rehearsed telephone conversation, illustrating the function of the secondary fourth wall.

Lesson 5: Endowment
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Endowment exercise by rehearsing and performing the exercise.

Lesson 6: Outdoors
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Outdoors by performing the exercise.

Lesson 7: History Part I
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s History exercise by choosing a historical-figure and researching that specific time period.

Lesson 8: History Part II
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s History exercise by performing a historically-accurate “simple task”.

Lesson 9: Talking to Yourself and Character Action
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Talking to Yourself and Character Action exercises by teaching the exercise and facilitating a corresponding activity.

Lesson 10: Conditioning Forces
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Conditioning Forces exercise by participating in a modified version of the theatre game “Freeze”.

Lesson 11: Rehearsal
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Object Exercise by incorporating five of the ten exercises in a contentless scene.

Lesson 12: Contentless Scene Final Performance
Students will demonstrate their understanding of Uta Hagen’s Object Exercise by incorporating five of the ten exercises in a contentless scene.


Uta Hagen Object Exercises Unit of Lessons.Meagan Wright