Spanish Golden Age Theatre

by Shawnda Moss & Kim McKechnie

Spanish Golden Age Theatre                


by Shawnda Moss

Some of this unit’s instruction, activities, etc. originally designed by Kim McKechnie


Unit Objective:

Students will demonstrate an understanding of Spanish Golden Age theatre by exploring Spanish life and conventions of the time and performing a scene from a Spanish Golden Age play.


*This unit involves reading Fuente Ovejuna together as a class.  Reading analysis, prompt discussion questions, etc. are NOT included, but may be desired.  Feel free to use the reading guide here and create your own discussion and analysis points or perhaps only use scenes or such.  The days the readings are incorporated may mean that the lesson takes longer than one class period; adjustments can easily be made by cutting some activities or simply letting the lessons run over one right after the other regardless of school days.  This site has a good detailed summary and background to help students navigate the script:*


*This unit was written for a theatre program that had a routine set up to view part of a contemporary filmed play or musical or such in each class period.  Journal prompts have been developed to use this routine as part of the lessons to make connections to contemporary theatrical work.  When this unit was first taught the musical Evita was the film choice, but the curriculum was written without a specific film in mind.*


Learning Level:

Advanced Drama


Previous Experience:

Experience in theatre performance skills and analytical script analysis, tableau work


Class Length:

80 minute class-periods


National Standards:

Advanced TH:Cr2.1.HSIII a. Develop and synthesize original ideas in a drama/theatre work utilizing critical analysis, historical and cultural context, research, and western or non-western theatre traditions. 
b. Collaborate as a creative team to discover artistic solutions and make interpretive choices in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work.

Advanced TH:Cr3.1.HSIII a. Refine, transform, and re-imagine a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using the rehearsal process to invent or re-imagine style, genre, form, and conventions. 
b. Synthesize ideas from research, script analysis, and context to create a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant in a drama/theatre work.
Proficient TH:Pr6.1.HSI a. Perform a scripted drama/theatre work for a specific audience.

Proficient TH:Re7.1.HSI a. Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to develop criteria for artistic choices.

Advanced TH:Re8.1.HSIII a. Use detailed supporting evidence and appropriate criteria to revise personal work and interpret the work of others when participating in or observing a drama/ theatre work. 

Proficient TH:Cn10.1.HSI a. Investigate how cultural perspectives, community ideas and personal beliefs impact a drama/theatre work.

Accomplished TH:Cn11.1.HSII a. Integrate conventions and knowledge from different art forms and other disciplInés to develop a cross-cultural drama/theatre work. 

Advanced TH:Cn11.2.HSIII b. Present and support an opinion about the social, cultural, and historical understandings of a drama/theatre work, based on critical research.



Big Idea:

Theatre can be an important part of society.                                        


Essential Question:

How does the culture surrounding theatre affect how it is written?   


Enduring Understanding:

How to recognize and stage Spanish Golden Age theatre



Lessons: *see above resource for help with play analysis points in lessons 2-4*

Lesson 1: Spanish Golden Age Introduction

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of Structuralism and Spanish Golden Age theatre and culture by completing work station assignments.


Lesson 2: Auto Sacramentales (Fuente Ovejuna Act 1)

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the style of auto sacramentales by creating a contemporary loa scene.  Students will read Act I of Fuente Ovejuna together as a class.


Lesson 3: Loas Performance (Fuente Ovejuna Act II)

 Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to connect Spanish Golden Age loas to contemporary stories with a moral by performing an original loa.  Students will read Act II of Fuente Ovejuna together as a class.


Lesson 4: Entreméses (Fuente Ovejuna Act III)

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of entremés by taking notes and expressing how entreméses would have worked in Fuente Ovejuna.  Students will read Act III of Fuente Ovejuna together as a class.


Lesson 5: Entreméses Staged Reading & Fuente Ovejuna Act III Quiz

Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to perform in the style of entremés by conducting a staged reading of an entremés script.  Students will demonstrate their understanding of Act III of Fuente Ovejuna by taking a quiz.


Lesson 6: Fuente Ovejuna Review

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the play Fuente Ovejuna by participating in Half-Life Review and class discussions.


Lesson 7: Fuente Ovejuna Given Circumstances

Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to act according to given circumstances by analyzing and beginning rehearsals for their Fuente Ovejuna scenes.


Lesson 8: Conflict, Action and Machismo

Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability use conflict and obstacles in their scene by exploring actions of the characters in their scene.


Lesson 9: SGA Test & Preview

Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to act in a scene by previewing their Fuente Ovejuna scene.  Students will demonstrate their understanding of the Spanish Golden Age by successfully completing a test.


Lesson 10: Fuente Ovejuna Performances

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of Spanish Golden Age Theatre by performing a scene from Fuente Ovejuna.


Spanish Golden Age Unit of Lessons *daily lesson supplements can be found under each lesson link above; this document is the lesson curriculum without the supplements*