Socially Responsible Theatre

by Carlie Madsen


Students will demonstrate an understanding of theatre for social change by performing an adapted fairytale that targets problems elementary students face.


Class Level:



Main Concepts:

Children’s theatre, social agendas, invisible theatre, prison theatre


1994 National Standards:

CONTENT STANDARD 1: Script writing by improvising, writing, and refining scripts based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history.

CONTENT STANDARD 7: Analyzing, critiquing, and constructing meanings from informal and formal theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions.


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Children’s Theatre and Media
Students will demonstrate an emerging understanding of children’s theatre by brainstorming stories and issues to include in the final presentation.


Lesson 2: Theatre Written with Social Agenda
Students will demonstrate an understanding of performing plays with a social agenda by participating in a stage reading and a discussion of the effectiveness of such works.


Lesson 3: Invisible Theatre/Boal Forum Theatre
Students will demonstrate an understanding of Invisible theatre by writing a script for a possible invisible theatre performance in their community.


Lesson 4: Prison Theatre
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for Prison theatre by listening to a lecture and presentation on prison theatre, participating in a discussion, and writing a short response to the presentation and a draft of an email asking how they could get involved.


Lesson 5: Work Day
Students will demonstrate appropriate progress of their project by providing a preview performance for the instructor.


Lesson 6: Performance Day
Student will demonstrate an understanding of theatre for social change by performing an adapted fairytale that targets problems elementary students face.



Socially Responsible Theatre Unit of Lessons.Carlie Madsen