Educational Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of nonverbal communication by participating in discussion and various movement activities.
Educational Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of how movement can create meaning by analyzing different examples of movement in performance.
Education Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of plot structure by analyzing the plot structure of a short film clip and by creating their own plot structure for their silent film.
Educational Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of stage pictures/tableaus by participating in tableau activities and discussions afterward.
Education Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the language of film through discussion, as well as the notes they take throughout the lesson.
Educational Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of stage pictures and film techniques completing a storyboard as a group. Students will also demonstrate their understanding of their individual film roles as they complete worksheets.
Educational Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of nonverbal communication, film techniques, and ensemble as they work together to create and rehearse their films.
Education Objective: Students will demonstrate their summative knowledge of movement and nonverbal communication by presenting their completed films and by completing a reflection on their group and themselves.