Students will demonstrate their scenic painting skills by painting various surfaces and creating a final project incorporating the skills they have learned.
Class Level:
Main Concepts:
scenic painting
1994 National Standards:
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Comparing and integrating art forms by analyzing traditional theatre, dance, music, and visual arts, and new art forms.
This class is for students who have not painted much and are learning scenic painting for the first time. These are 45 minute class periods.
Lesson 2: Matching colors Students will demonstrate proper mixture of colors by matching and creating colors in a cartoon picture.
Lesson 3: Scumble and Texture Students will demonstrate their understanding of texture by creating a surface with three or four different ways to add texture to a painting.
Lesson 4: Wood graining Students will demonstrate their scenic painting skills by woodgraining a piece of plywood.
Lesson 5: Brick Students will demonstrate their scenic painting skills by painting brick onto plywood.
Lesson 6: Wall paper Students will demonstrate their scenic painting skills by cutting out stencils and creating their own unique wall paper.
Lesson 7: Foliage Students will demonstrate their knowledge of foliage by painting their own tree complete with foliage, using five different colors.
Lesson 8: Final painting Students will demonstrate their scenic painting skills and projection skills by painting a picture, on a 4×6 piece of wood, that incorporates at least two of the styles studied in this unit.
Author’s Notes: Assessments: Students will receive participation points and attendance points each day. 5 points for attendance and 5 points for participation, equaling 10 points per day. The final project will be worth 30 points. The students will not be judged on talent, yet if it is clear that little effort has been exhausted, points will be deducted.