Original Movie Trailers

by Moss, Wilkes, and Duncan

Original Movie Trailers


By Shawnda Moss, Cali Wilkes, Spencer Duncan


Unit Objective:

Students will compare/integrate other art forms with theatre through analyzing movie trailers.  Students will demonstrate understanding of camera angles and movements, using iMovie, scriptwriting, and playing a convincing character by creating an original movie trailer.


Learning Level:

Beginning-Intermediate Drama


Previous Experience:

Introduced to basic movement/blocking, vocal choices, characterization, plot structure


Class Length:

80 minute class-periods


National Standards:

TH:Cr2.1.8 b. Share leadership and responsibilities to develop collaborative goals when preparing or devising drama/theatre work. 

TH:Pr4.1.8 a. Explore different pacing to better communicate the story in a drama/theatre work. 

TH:Re8.1.8 a. Recognize and share artistic choices when participating in or observing a drama/theatre work. 

TH:Cn11.2.7 a. Research and discuss how a playwright (filmmaker) might have intended a drama/theatre work to be produced. 


The Big Idea:

Just like theatre, other art forms such as film can be analyzed for its effect.


Essential Questions:

How do artistic choices impact audiences? What are the differences in analyzing film and theatre? The differences in creating it?


Enduring Understandings:

Visual, aural, oral, and kinetic elements express emotions and ideas in both theatre and film.



Lesson 1: Introduction to Trailers

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of camera angles, movement, and shots by presenting specific elements to the class. (two class periods)


Lesson 2: Trailer Storyboarding

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of movie trailer construction by analyzing movie trailers and developing a storyboard for their original movie trailer.


Lesson 3: Filming the Trailer

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of movie trailer construction by filming the sequences for their movie trailer.


Lesson 4: Editing the Trailer

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of movie trailer construction by editing and adding music to their movie trailer.


Lesson 5: Trailer Screening

Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to combine camera elements, story, and music by sharing their original movie trailer.  Students will complete an evaluation sheet on their group and themselves.


Original Movie Trailers Unit of Lessons