Introduction to Voice

by Mari Bell

Unit Objective:

Students will understand essential concepts about voice and how to use their voices effectively when performing by presenting a dramatic reading.

*See full unit of plans (link is below) for resource materials.


National Core Arts Theatre Standards:

TH:Cr3.1.HSI b. Explore physical, vocal and physiological choices to develop a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant to a drama/theatre work

Proficient TH:Pr5.1.HSI a. Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance.


Beginning Drama Class:

Drama Foundations


Class Period Length:

70-75 minutes


 Number of Class Periods:

9 days


No Prior Experience Needed


Main Concepts:

Vocal Quality, Vocal Anatomy, Vocal Variety, Performance Skills


Lesson 1- Intro to Voice

Objective- The students will demonstrate their ability to communicate a character through vocal technique by representing a character in a short improvised scene.


Lesson 2- Vocal Anatomy

Objective- The students will demonstrate their knowledge of voice by creating a poster with a group.


Lesson 3- Poetry- Dramatic Reading (2 days)

Objective- The students will demonstrate their ability to use vocal variety by planning a presenting a dramatic reading of a short poem.


Lesson 4- Autobiography Speech- 3 hobbies (3 days)

Objective- The students will demonstrate their ability to use their voice effectively when speaking by presenting their Autobiography Speech.


Lesson 5- Dramatic Reading of Children’s Book with a partner (2 days)

Objective- The students will demonstrate their ability to use vocal variety by planning and presenting a dramatic reading of a children’s book.



Intro to Voice Unit of Lessons.Mari Bell