Improvisation Unit

by Allison Rex


Students will demonstrate their understanding of the rules of improv by participating in an improv performance/competition.


Class Level:



Main Concepts:

rules of improvisation, character development, scene creation, improv games, obstacles


1994 National Standards:

CONTENT STANDARD 2: Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining characters in improvisations and informal or formal productions.



Students learn the rules and guidelines for improv as well as several performance type improv games. Unit culminates in a “Comedy Sportz” type game.


Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Intro to Improvisation
Students will apply their understanding of the basics of improvisation by identifying improv skills in a film and defining guidelines.


Lesson 2: Show, Don’t Tell
Students will apply their understanding of showing in improv by participating in “Party Quirks” and reflecting on their experience.


Lesson 3: Creating Character
Students will apply their understanding of character by creating a list of standards of characters and reflecting on their experience.


Lesson 4: Scene Disaster!
Students will apply their knowledge of improvisation in a performance setting by performing a scene with obstacles.


Lesson 5: Rules Reviewed
Students will interpret and apply the 8 guidelines of improv by creating a 2 minute skit and game that demonstrates the guidelines given.


Lesson 6: Performances
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the rules of improv by participating in a final improv performance/competition.


Author’s Notes:

This daily rubric may be used throughout the unit to grade specific improvs: Rubric 0-5 points 



Student is actively involved in the class and is thoughtful in their reflection (5) to Student barely participates and merely goes through the motions (1).



Improvisation Unit of Lessons.Allison Rex