Forum Theatre (Boal) by Dana Fleming

by Dana Fleming

Unit Objective:

Students will understand the ways in which theatre can be used to create a forum for discussion by participating in Boal’s Forum Theatre Exercises and preparing a workshop to conduct for their peers.


2014 National Core Arts Theatre Standards:

TH:Cr1.1: Envision, Conceptualize
Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

TH:Pr6.1: Share, Present
Anchor Standard: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

TH:Re8.1: Interpret
Anchor Standard: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

TH:Cn10.1: Empathize
Anchor Standard: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

TH:Cn11.1: Interrelate
Anchor Standard: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

TH:Cn11.2: Research
Anchor Standard: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.



Lesson One—Family Portraits and Introduction
Objective: Students will understand the ways in which theatre can be used to create a forum for discussion by creating a piece of art representing their commitment to creating a community of trust in the class, prompted by games and discussion.


Lesson Two—Mirror Sequence
Objective: Students will explore meaning and communication in what they see rather than what is said by participating in Boal’s Mirror Sequence, and using what is gained to describe on paper a moment in their day when such communication took place


Lesson Three—Modeling Sequence
Objective: Students will connect the communication in the modeling sequence to the mirror sequence by participating in and reflecting on sculpture work.


Lesson Four—Memory Theatre
Objective: Students will access memories—share them and receive them in great detail by creating and presenting “memory gifts” to one another.


Lesson Five—Forum Theatre Reading Day
Objective: Students will understand the purpose and possibilities of forum theatre by deciding on a possible topic and community they could lead a forum theatre workshop in.


Lesson Six—Newspaper Activity and Image Theatre
Objective: Students will analyze relevant texts and discover the possibilities of a forum theatre piece—its plot and characters—by identifying an oppressor, oppressed, and oppression.


Lesson Seven—Forum Theatre
Objective: Students will understand the structure of forum theatre as well as the roles of both actor and spect-actor by creating, performing, and participating in one another’s mini-pieces.


Lesson Eight—Forum Theatre Workshop Creation
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the flow of a workshop by creating their own workshop from beginning to end and writing out notes they will need to lead the workshop tomorrow.


Lesson Nine—Forum Theatre Workshop
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of conducting a workshop by leading their peers through activities planned and rehearsed.


Lesson Ten—Closing Discussion
Objective: Students will assess what they gained and learned in this unit by completing the Reflection Worksheet and discussing their observations with their peers.



ForumTheatre – Boal Unit Lessons.Dana Fleming