Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze context and research historical and cultural facts about a stage or film production by creating a bulletin board that analyzes a production.
High School Proficient Learning Level
Student Prior Experience:
Students will have a very basic knowledge of lights, sound, props, set, costuming, hair and makeup. They are familiar with theatre warm-ups.
National Arts Standards:
TH:Cr1.1.HSI A: Apply basic research to construct ideas about the visual composition of a drama/theatre work.
TH:Cr2.1.HSI: Explore the function of history and culture in the development of a dramatic concept through a critical analysis of original ideas in a drama/theatre work.
Essential Questions:
How, when, and why do theatre artists’ choices change?
What are different strategies you can use in order to research a production?
Key Knowledge and Skills:
Research, analysis, creativity
Authentic Performance Tasks:
Various short papers, creating a music playlist, a final creative bulletin board displaying the things learned in this unit
Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of dramatic composition and theatrical representation as they correctly identify items that fit within the musical “Aladdin.”
Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of appropriate prop selection by identifying five props that would support the historical and cultural context of their selected production.
Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of historical hair and makeup by creating a beauty tips newspaper article that accurately describes the trends of a time period.
Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to make appropriate, period accurate, costume decisions by creating two costume designs for a character within their selected production.
Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of time-appropriate music by creating a music playlist of 5 songs for an assigned time period. They will share 20 seconds of one song with the class and explain why they selected that particular piece.
Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of dramaturgy as they display their final bulletin board in the class gallery walk. They will explain their artistic choices and how it properly illustrates their production.