Students will be able to perform controlled subtle and exaggerated movement by devising puppet scene using Bunraku Puppets and principles.
Learning Level:
Jr. High Advanced or High School Proficient
Student Prior Experience:
This unit was created for a class mixed between students who are completely new to drama and those who have had many years previous experience. The students who have never taken a formal class in drama have had some practical experience either performing in shows or working back stage or on design elements of a production.
Big Idea
Nonverbal Communication
Breath + Movement = Energy
Enduring Understandings
Movement and Emotions are connected through breath.
Movements are based on the world they are made in.
Movements can tell specific and engaging nonverbal stories.
Essential Questions
For what reasons do we move?
How does movement communicate between people?
What affects our interpretation of movement?
Authentic Performance Tasks
Students Build and Explore a Bunraku Puppet.
Students Devise a Puppet Scene
Student Give and Respond to Feedback for a preview
Students Perform their Final Puppet Scenes
Key Knowledge and Skills
Students will be able to explore and express the relationship between breath and
emotion as a cause of movement.
Students will be able to express complete emotional and physical story through non
verbal performance.
National Standards
HS Proficient.
TH:Cr2I.b. Investigate the collaborative nature of the actor, director, playwright, and designers and explore their interdependent roles in a drama/theatre work.
TH:Cr3.1.I.b. Explore physical, vocal and physiological choices to develop a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant to a drama/theatre work.
TH:Cr3.1.I.a.Practice and revise a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using theatrical staging conventions.
TH:Pr4.1.I.a. Examine how character relationships assist in telling the story of a drama/theatre work.
TH: Re7.1.I.a. Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to develop criteria for artistic choices
TH:Re8.1.I.c. Justify personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in and observation of a drama/theatre work.
8th Grade
TH:Cr1.1.8.a. Imagine and explore multiple perspectives and solutions to staging problems in a drama/ theatre work.
TH:Cr28b.Share leadership and responsibilities to develop collaborative goals when preparing or devising drama/theatre work.
TH:Cr3.1.8.a. Use repetition and analysis in order to revise devised or scripted drama/theatre work.
Objective: Students will be able to move their puppet through unified group movement by practicing and applying breathing exercises to small puppet scenes.